Heating Your Apartment Without Running Up The Bill

Morgenson RealtyAmenities, Apartment Living, Apartment Renting, Apartment Tips, Dousman, For Rent, Franklin, Hartland, Heating Costs, Maintenance, Maintenance Requests, Maintenance Tips, Menomonee Falls, money, moving, Moving Costs, Moving Tips, Online Payments, Pet-friendly, Pets, Pewaukee, Property, Quality Living, Rent Price, Renting Tips, Save on electricity, Submit Maintenance, Sussex, Tenant Portal, Utilities, Utility Cost, Waukesha, Winter Tips

There are many reasons to love winter, but there are reasons to dislike it too. Your heating bill probably ranks high on that list. While keeping your apartment cozy is important, those costs can really pile up when you’re blasting your heat on high. From managing your thermostat to purchasing rugs for cold floors, here are tips on heating your …

4 Christmas Deals to Enhance Apartment Living

Morgenson RealtyApartment Living, Apartment Renting, Apartment Tips, decorating, Dousman, Hartland, Menomonee Falls, money, Moving Costs, Pewaukee, Sussex, Uncategorized, Waukesha, Wauwatosa, Weekend, Winter Tips

In the spirit of giving, we often find ourselves searching for the best deals, making sure our loved ones know exactly how much we care. Even though Black Friday and Cyber Monday are behind us, Santa wouldn’t want you to forget about treating yourself too. Stay on Santa’s Nice List and check out our 4 Christmas deals to enhance apartment …

How Much Do Utilities Cost in an Apartment?

Morgenson RealtyApartment Living, Apartment Tips, Franklin, Hartland, Heating Costs, layout, Menomonee Falls, money, moving, Pet-friendly, Pets, Pewaukee, Property, Save on electricity, Sussex, Utilities, Utility Cost, Waukesha, Wauwatosa, Weekend, Winter Tips

Moving is an exciting time. Usually, considering your monthly budget is the first step in this process. After completing several apartment tours, your focus can often shift. All of a sudden newer appliances or luxurious amenities become top priorities. Before stretching yourself thin for granite counter-tops, remember to ask, how much do utilities cost? Your monthly rent usually doesn’t include …

Moving Task List

Morgenson RealtyApartment Tips, decorating, Franklin, Hartland, living, Menomonee Falls, money, moving, Moving Costs, Moving Tips, Pewaukee, Quality Living, Security Deposit, Sussex, Uncategorized, Waukesha, Wauwatosa

Have you ever met someone who said they just LOVE moving? We would guess that answer to be a big, fat NO and that’s not a surprise. Moving can come with a lot of stress and tons of unknowns that seem endless. How does a person remember all of those pesky details, scheduling conflicts, and other moving parts? Enter, our …

3 Steps to Declutter your Apartment for Spring

Morgenson RealtyApartment Tips, decorating, layout, living, money, moving, neighbor, Spring Cleaning, Storage

Does the sight of your cluttered closets or disorganized pantry give you the urge to kick back and watch every show on your DVR list, much like Joey and Chandler from Friends? Don’t get overwhelmed, conquer that mess and create an inviting living space with Morgenson’s 3 Steps to Declutter your Apartment for Spring! 1. SET GOALS Winter in South Eastern Wisconsin makes tossing …

Rising Costs of Home-Ownership Make Renting an Attractive Option

morgensonHartland, money

According to the Census Bureau, in Wisconsin and throughout the U.S., more people than ever are renting homes instead of buying. In July, the Associated Press reported that about 62 percent American households owned their home, which is equal to the rate seen in 1965 and 63 percent less than the rate in the first quarter of 2015. Millennial households …

Why Apartment Living is a Good Investment

morgensonApartment Living, Apartment Tips, money

Many people assume that living in an apartment is not as good of an investment as buying a home. However, this is often not the case. Buying a home is actually a liability for many people, while renting a Waukesha apartment is a smart and economical choice. American Homes: An Asset or a Liability? Conventional wisdom tells us that buying …

Play it Safe with Renter’s Insurance

morgensonApartment Tips, legal, money

Two weeks before Thanksgiving, a vehicle parked in the driveway of a duplex in Enid, Oklahoma caught fire. The fire spread to some leaves below the car, which blew onto the house, quickly engulfing the home. Both units of the property were completely destroyed, leaving two residents with nothing but the pajamas they were wearing. According to Enid News, the …

Five Reasons Renting an Apartment Makes Sense

morgensonApartment Living, Apartment Renting, Apartment Tips, money, Renting Tips

With the nation’s economy sinking and home values plummeting, you may be questioning whether homeownership is really as smart of a move as people seem to think it is. After all, many homeowners are currently underwater in their mortgages or in the process of having their homes foreclosed upon. As it turns out, renting may be a pretty smart move …