3 Tips for a Safe and Healthy Move

Morgenson RealtyAmenities, Apartment Living, Apartment Renting, Apartment Reviews, Apartment Tips, moving, Moving Costs, Moving Tips, Pets, Property, Quality Living, Shopping, Spring Cleaning, Tours

Global pandemics aren’t an ideal time for moving to a new apartment. Guidance from family and friends on protecting yourself can be useful, or just fill you with anxiety. Typically, you would be stressing over how many boxes you need or how expensive moving trucks are nowadays. Instead you’re probably thinking how tiny those concerns are in the face of …

3 Tips for the Coziest Master Bedroom Ever

Morgenson RealtyApartment Decorating, Apartment Living, Apartment Renting, Apartment Tips, decorating, living

Wisconsin winters resemble that dreamy, nostalgic feeling you only get from watching Christmas movies as a kid. Ones of comfort and warmth that are essential ingredients to soaking-up the many holidays throughout this time of year. But let’s be honest, they’re also crazy-long and require some prep time indoors. To make sure you keep that easeful feeling lasting as long …